Gargabe Collection Time
Hi Good People, warm regards from Yayasan Sahaja Sawah.
We really love to share our activities on Social Media. Here is one of our regular activity which we do every month “Garbage Collection”. Our beloved team will come to each village at Tegalmengkeb with our big green truck.
Here we share an update schedule for this month March 2021:
*Monday, 15/03/2021 : Tegalmengkeb Tengah
*Wednesday, 17/03/2021 : Tegalmengkeb Kaja
*Friday, 19/04/2021 : Banjar Bongan
*Monday, 22/03/2021 : Beranjingan
*Wednesday, 24/03/2021 : Munduk Ulan & Banjar Alas
*Friday, 26/03/2021 : Kelecung Kaja & Kelecung Kelod
For your information, the schedule or the date could change every month based on the situation and condition. For all society which belong to Tegalmengkeb area please be ready. Our team will inform the head of each village regards the schedule. Moreover, they will inform you to put the garbage in front of your house. As a facilitator we hope that we can give a good contribution to the Village. Furthermore, we hope the staff village and all of society at Tegalmengkeb could be cooperated with Us to make a better future.
Thank you so much for those who had been participated and support our program, we really appreciated.
We will keep updating the information on our Social media. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions
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