Bedah Rumah Project at Buleleng – North Bali
Name : Ni Ketut Tri Dharma Safitri
Address : Banjar Dinas Peken Desa Sangsit Kecamatan Sawan Buleleng
This single mother live with 2 daughters. The older daughter come from her first marriage and the younger one from the second marriage. Now, she was divorce and don’t have house to live on. The younger daughter is one and half years old. Her name is Dwi Cahyani, she was diagnosed with microchepalus and Epilepsy. It almost 1 year Bu Ketut stayed at Rumah Cinta Remagi which supported by Yayasan Remagi Bali team. This because she need to control the baby to Sanglah Hospital and more easier to reach the hospital from there.
Sahaja Sawah Foundation support this family by giving a house which the land supported by Yayasan Remagi and also the works project organized by Yayasan Remagi Team.
Thank you so much to those who involved in this project and always support our programs.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions 🙏🏾🙏🏾
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