The warmest regards from Yayasan Sahaja Sawah Foundation
Here we share an update about our monthly donations at Penebel and Tegalmengkeb with @vantongkol. This month we start to distribute in Tegalmengkeb first and then continue to Penebel and on the last visit, we went to Elvi’s house.
On the 3rd of June was our last visit to Ibu De Madut (adopted by Bapak Bernard Van Elmpt). At that time she was sick and cannot move her body and we got sad news from her brother on the 6th of June that De Madut passed away. Rest In Peace for De Madut.
Totally in Tegalmengkeb we still have 9 adopted families.
After Tegalmengkeb we moved to Penebel. There we visited Bapak Suparjana, Kadek Agus, Mbah Rusik, and Mbah Nyoman Sari. Last month, Mbah Sari’s condition was drop because of her sickness but in the last visit, we saw much improvement. Moreover, Kadek Agus’s condition also not really well. The frequency of his epilepsy increase but still can be controlled by his parents. May Mbah Sari and Kadek Agus will recovery soon, let’s pray for them. Bapak Suparjana and Mbah Rusik were in well condition.
Last, we went to visit Elvis. He was in good condition and we talked a lot about jokes and everything as usual.
Thank you so much to all donors. Your great support and trust means a lot for us and for those who really need🙏🏾
We will keep updating all information on our Social media. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions and suggestion 🙏🏾🙏🏾
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