50 Food Packages Donation From Faithful The Brand

🙏🏾 Warm greeting from Sahaja Sawah Foundation🙏🏾

Distribusi 50 Paket sembako dari Perusahaan Faithful the Brand🤗

Pada tanggal 30 Juli 2021, team Yayasan telah mendistribusikan 43 paket sembako di Desa Angkah dan 7 paket sembako di Desa Bajera. Kegiatan ini sudah seijin dari pihak Kepala Desa dan staff desa. Ini merupakan donasi sembako ke-3 yang di sponsori oleh perusahaan ini. Kami sangat bersyukur dan berterimakasih kepada seluruh donatur atas kepedulian dan perhatiannya kepada masyarakat yang kurang mampu.

50 food packages for Angkah Village and Bajera village had been distributed on the 30th of July 2021. 43 packages for Angkah village and 7 packages for Bajera Village. Before distributed the donations, we have been asked permission to the staff villages.
Faithful the brand is Garment company which located in Denpasar. Our Foundation have been synergies for 3 months.

Thank you so much to all donors who keep supporting those who really need during this difficult time. May God repay your kindness.

We will keep updating the information on our Social media. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions🙏🏾🙏🏾
FB link: https://www.facebook.com/sahajasawahfoundation
Website: https://sahajasawah.org



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