Urgent Fundraising for Fire Victims
Family name: Bapak Ketut Sunarya
Address : Br Antegane Kelod, Desa Tiing Gading
Budget to build a house needed: IDR 35.000.000, including worker payment
On Sunday, 12th of November 2023, at 2pm there was a fire accident at Bapak Sunarye house. He only live with his wife there. Both of them were safe but their house was totally burn.
There was nothing left, not even a piece of clothing.
They don’t want to renovate this house anymore because they already had accidents twice (bad luck).
This family urgently needs to build a small and simple house for sleep. Any other help is possible, like a mattress, clothes, etc.
For those who want to help this family, please contact our staff number below!
Ana (+62 819-9934-3437)
Email: sahajasawahfoundation@icloud.com
Here we also attach our Yayasan bank account and wise if you want to join this fund-raising.
Yayasan Sahaja Sawah
Account Number: 0739820605
Bank name: PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Wise Account:
Account holder: Ariani Ni Made
IBAN: BE73 9672 3462 3360
WISE’s Address: Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium
We will keep updating the information on our social media. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
FB link: https://www.facebook.com/sahajasawahfoundation
Website: https://sahajasawah.org
Ig: https://www.instagram.com/sahajasawahfoundation/?hl=id
Penggalangan Dana Mendesak untuk Korban Kebakaran
Nama Keluarga : Bapak Ketut Sunarya Alamat : Sdr Antegane Kelod, Desa Tiing Gading
Minggu, 12 November 2023, pukul 14.00 terjadi kebakaran di rumah Bapak Sunarye. Dia hanya tinggal bersama istrinya di sana. Keduanya selamat namun rumah mereka terbakar total. Tidak ada yang tersisa bahkan sehelai pakaian pun. Mereka tidak mau merenovasi rumah ini lagi karena sudah 2 kali mengalami kecelakaan (sial). Kebutuhan mendesak keluarga ini adalah membangun rumah kecil dan sederhana untuk tidur. Bagi yang ingin membantu Keluarga ini, silahkan menghubungi nomor staff kami di bawah ini! Ana (+62 819-9934-3437)
Di sini juga kami melampirkan rekening bank yayasan kami dan jika ada yang ingin berpartisipasi dalam penggalangan dana ini.
Yayasan Sahaja Sawah Nomor Rekening : 0739820605
Nama Bank : PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Pemilik akun : Ariani Ni Made BIC: TRWIBEB1XXX IBAN: BE73 9672 3462 3360 Alamat WISE: Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgia.