Please Help!!

Please Help!!

Om Swastyastu 🙏🏾

Here below we share data of families who really need help. Please contact us for more information or if you have any questions. 

Name: Bu Kamer 

Address: Br. Kelecung, Tegalmengkeb Village – Tabanan

Help Needed: IDR 500.000/month 

Story: Bu Kamer live alone without any family around her.  Her condition becomes worse every day which makes her cannot do some work. Collecting firewood was her daily activity. Bu Kamer really needs help. 


Name : Komang Ariasa

Address : Pujungan, Tabanan 

Help Needed  : IDR 500.000/month 

Story: Komang Ariasa still need to do 2 bags of blood transfusion once a month because of his sickness. The parents bring him to Sanglah Hospital by local bus transportation. Because of the distance between his house and the hospital sometimes they sleep out at Rumah Cinta Remagi or their relatives. He gets Thalassemia since he was 3 months old. This sickness makes him do blood transfusions throughout his life. The condition of his family which belongs to a family really needed in the village, the father didn’t have a settled job and the mother is a housewife who didn’t get any income. He has to do medical every month and really needs help with transportation and consumption. 


Name : I Nyoman Werken

Address : Beraban, Gerombong – Selemadeg Timur 

Help Needed: IDR 1.000.000/month 

Story : Nyoman Werken was a Mangku/Priest at Bale Agung Beraban. He often gets sick and last time the Dr diagnose him that he got Bone Cancer and have to do chemotherapy. This condition shocked all the family members. Before, Nyoman and his wife sold offerings and veggies at the market to fill their daily need. But now, they cannot, the wife has to take care of Pak Nyoman. For medical checks, Pak Nyoman uses BPJS insurance, now he really needs help with diapers, tissue, and food package and also pays bills and medicine that can’t afford by BPJS. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions 🙏🏾🙏🏾

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