Pujungan Monthly Donation 05/11/2020
Here we updating our monthly donation activity. This month we start to distributed donation at Pujungan. Now we have 10 family adoption there. Some of them got rice and cash from their donors. All of family in healthy condition and they were very happy we had been visited them. We are very happy to anniunce that Bedah Rumah for family no 6 and no 11 were done. Here we enclosed the donations that we had given:
No 1. I Made Suadnyana (Donor Anthony)
He got 60 kilo rice and 800.000 IDR Cash
No 2. Ni Putu Karmiasih & Wayan Sarnada (Donor Avril & Jackie & Kylie & Rodney)
They got 30 kilo rice and 300.000 IDR Cash
No 4. I Wayan Suanda (Donor Agi)
They got 15 kilo rice and 200.000 IDR Cash
No 5. Komang Ariasa (Donor Alex)
They got 30 kilo rice, 400.000 IDR Cash and 500.000 IDR Transport to go to hospital
No 6. Wayan Suringsih & Ketut Sumerta (Donor Sam, Poppy & Jorja)
They got 40 kilo rice and 500.000 IDR Cash
No 7. Wayan Purni (Donor Kim)
He got 10 kilo rice and 100.000 IDR Cash
No 8. Kadek Sukayasa giri (Donor Sam/Samantha)
They got 45 kilo rice and 600.000 IDR Cash
No 9. Nyoman Suardana (Donor Marisa)
He got 10 kilo rice, 200.000 IDR Cash and 1 box noodles
No 10. I Wayan Kaler (Donor Bec)
He got 10 kilo rice, 100.000 IDR Cash and 150.000 IDR transport for medical
No 11. Ni Nengah Sribet (Donors Avril & Jeff + Jacky + Carol)
She got 10 kilo rice, 100.000 IDR Cash, 300.000 IDR for medical and we brought bed,mattress,blanket,sheet and 2x pillow to put in her new house.
Thank you so much for all donors, your help means a lot for them. Thank you for all volunteers and @van Tongkol who always help us distributed donations.. Keep healthy everyone, God bless you all..
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions..
Warm regards from Sahaja Sawah Foundation
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